Haeres Capital is a Private Investment Company, founded in 2011, engaged in the ownership & active management of “Aspirational” Alternative Investment Ventures.

The objective of Haeres Capital is to expand as a “small-and-beautiful” powerhouse invested in lifestyle private equity ventures under a balanced-risk approach and above market ROI expectations.

our team

Philippe Camperio

Founder & Managing Partner

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Jérôme Macario

Operations & Finance Partner

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Julien Beard

Group Chief Operating Officer

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Sasha Camperio

Chief Marketing Officer

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Tiziana Lombardo

Head of Legal – Milano

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Valentina Pilia-Ledru

Head of Legal – Geneva

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Simone Bonetto

Finance Controlling & Operations – Milano

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Leonardo Rossi

Financial Analyst – Geneva

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Pedro Figueiredo

Operations Manager – Geneva

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Jessica Jaggi

Marketing & Communication Coordinator

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Haeres Capital SA

33 Allée Scheffer
L – 2520 Luxembourg – Luxembourg

Haeres Capital Suisse SA

7 Place Longemalle
CH – 1204 Geneva – Switzerland

Haeres Capital Italia SRL

Via Senato 25
20121, Milan – Italie